Hostel Fees

The 2022 Hukarere Hostel fee has been set by the Te Aute Trust Board at $10,355.00 and a $150.00 per year- Compulsory activity fee

Māpihi Pounamu / Boarding Allowance

A Boarding Allowance is a contribution to your child’s Boarding fees, so that they can board away from home, either at a boarding school or privately board with someone who is not your child’s legal guardian for more information please check the Ministry of Education’s website on the link provided –

If this grant is approved we ask for a $40.00 a week auto payment to cover things not covered by this Allowance.  This is to be paid by weekly auto payment – no exceptions. This automatic payment will cover the shortfall of the Boarding Allowance.

If you are receiving a Ministry of Education Boarding Allowance please ensure that you are budgeting for the shortfall.  The Allowance DOES NOT cover the whole boarding fee.

Travel to and from School (Boarders)

This is the responsibility of parents, and tickets should be booked well in advance of holidays, please record term dates for reference.  If the girls have a distance to travel, money should be made available for refreshments on the way home.

Please note, Boarders will be taxied and charged if they need to be transported outside of normal travel days in the hostel (The cost for a taxi to/from town is about $60.00 one way). 

The Ministry provide a school bus for day students – Hostel students are no permitted to use the day bus without the permission of the Principal.

Refund Procedure

Parents are required to give one term’s notice in writing of the withdrawal of their daughter from the Hostel. Mid term withdrawals will not be refunded. This provision also
applies to students formally excluded from the hostel for failure to meet hostel rules and regulations.

Hukarere Hostel is a separate financial entity from the main school, Accounts are generated from Te Aute Trust Board and all queries should be directed to the Hostel Manager.